My path to harmony

Harmony, for me, is to find and feel peace within myself. Finding harmony in the things I am doing and in the difficulties that come across my path. My podcasts are about daily experiences. Experiences that opened my eyes, made me grow, made me feel miserable or bloody happy and grateful and are continuing to do so. They are personal and from my own perspective. It's not a recipe for a good living. But it might inspire you to think differently. Everybody has there own path! 

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Choose to feel good

Saturday May 23, 2020

Saturday May 23, 2020

Dear people, in this podcast, I implore you to follow your joy. In this process of following your joy, you will figure out how you shine and what you love the most. 

Monday May 18, 2020

Hello everyone, I am sooo excited!! I am rebirthing my podcast. Why? Because it's time for new adventures. And my old way was not really working anymore. Learning by doing I guess, haha! I am totally ready to take the lead and go for what I want. 

The power of vulnerability

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020

Being honest about the things you feel ashamed of or guilt in is the most transformative and powerful thing. I felt lonely and this is what I (and my partner) did. 

My purpose? Stay awake!

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020

What a struggling/suffering period I had, and that all for the future which I can't predict. The only thing we know is now. What gives you joy?

Being okay in the unknown

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020

I gave my first womencircle and I was fucking nervous for what would happen. In this podcast you'll hear what I have learned from it. 

Being true to myself

Saturday Aug 03, 2019

Saturday Aug 03, 2019

Sometimes I get so tired of my thoughts. Especially when I start the research of what makes me unhappy on that particular moment. I keep blaming and judging myself or others. But the only thing we have to do is stay present, take ourself serieus (fast scan on that moment) and than laugh about ourselves. We are so small in this world and we are just a little part of this universe. Other animals are not overthinking their actions like we do. They are living in the NOW.

Everything is good how it is

Saturday Aug 03, 2019

Saturday Aug 03, 2019

A small happy feeling episode during my walk home.

Sunday Jun 16, 2019

This episode is about my dear friend. I have a deep deep admiration for how she is approaching her life and I think she is an example to many of us!

Happiness is not for sale

Sunday Jun 16, 2019

Sunday Jun 16, 2019

Hi everyone! A new podcast full with setting limits for my nanny-children. Saying and meaning 'no is no' is hard in many ways. Or not... When you stay true to yourself. 

Tuesday May 14, 2019

Whoa! In this situation I was able to zoom out from my 'negative' thoughts and feelings. I didn't choose the way of the story in my head, my conditioned mind. The reality was all there was, no stories in my head, no stressful body. It felt so amazing to take the control back and to choose for joy. EVERYBODY CAN DO THIS!

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